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Application programming interface

This package provides the which(string $command) function, allowing to locate a command in the system path.

This function takes the name of the command to locate, and returns a ResultSet with the three following methods:

  • all() : get all instances of the searched command.
  • first() : get the first instance of the searched command.
  • stream() : get a stream of instances of the searched command.

all(bool $throwIfNotFound = false): string[]

The ResultSet->all() method returns the absolute paths of all instances of an executable found in the system path. If the executable could not be located, it returns an empty array, or throws a RuntimeException if the $throwIfNotFound parameter is set to true.

<?php use function which\which;

try {
  $paths = which("foobar")->all(throwIfNotFound: true);
  print 'The "foobar" command is available at these locations:' . PHP_EOL;
  foreach ($paths as $path) print "- $path" . PHP_EOL;
catch (RuntimeException $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

first(bool $throwIfNotFound = false): string

The ResultSet->first() method returns the absolute path of the first instance of an executable found in the system path. If the executable could not be located, it returns an empty string, or throws a RuntimeException if the $throwIfNotFound parameter is set to true.

<?php use function which\which;

try {
  $path = which("foobar")->first(throwIfNotFound: true);
  print "The 'foobar' command is located at: $path";
catch (RuntimeException $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

stream(): \Generator<int, \SplFileInfo>

The ResultSet->stream() method returns a generator that yields an SplFileInfo instance for each executable found in the system path.

<?php use function which\which;

try {
  print 'The "foobar" command is available at these locations:' . PHP_EOL;
  foreach (which("foobar")->stream() as $file) print "- $file" . PHP_EOL;
catch (RuntimeException $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();


The behavior of the which(string $command, array $paths = [], array $extensions = []) function can be customized using the following options.

string[] extensions

An array of strings specifying the list of executable file extensions. On Windows, defaults to the list of extensions provided by the PATHEXT environment variable.

<?php which("foobar", extensions: [".foo", ".exe", ".cmd"]);


The extensions option is only meaningful on the Windows platform, where the executability of a file is determined from its extension.

string[] paths

An array of strings specifying the system paths from which the given command will be searched. Defaults to the list of directories provided by the PATH environment variable.

<?php which("foobar", paths: ["/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin"]);